

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Water Droplet

by Anani Schauermann

       Far, far away in a wide deep ocean, it's water sparkling in the sun, it's waves crashing on the shore, was the home of a little compact water droplet. This was the Atlantic which the pilgrims crossed; this is the ocean in which we get most of the fish we eat. The droplet had no name but he was special because he was made by God. It was coming up on another pick up time, (evaporation) and the droplet wanted to go. When the time had come, the droplet was ready. The sun started to pick droplets. He picked up the special droplet first and then he picked up the next and the next until finally  the he could not pick any more. The water droplet rose up so high in the sky! The sight was amazing. The little water droplet was a little sad because he had to leave his salt in the water but he was also happy because his friend came with him.
                                                     *         !The End!        *

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