

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


By Anani Schauermann

Jane was a cute girl.  She was three years  old when her little brother was born.  Her brother's name was Jim.  Jane and Jim where horses.  One day Jane was walking by the river when Jim stuck his head out of the water.  '' Jim,'' said Jane, ''mom said, 'Don't get in the water'"!

The Misplaced Pinguin

by Jeffrey Schauermann

One day a truck pulled up our driveway. The name on it was Animal Safari. We all began wondering what it was here for. The driver got out and wheeled a crate about four feet tall with lots of holes in it. He left it on our front porch and left. It was hard work getting the crate in the house. When we opened it a penguin waddled out so I took the penguin outside and tied it to a tree.
The End

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Jack's Christmas

by Jeffrey Schauermann

Jack was happily playing when somebody knocked on the door. Curios, he went to see who it was. To his surprise nobody was there except for a box with his name on it. Inside was another box with Christmas wrapping. Tomorrow was Christmas Eve. This was the best Christmas Jack had ever had.    

The End


By Anani Schauermann

Rose was a tall girl.  When Rose was one she was three feet tall. That is really tall.  One day Rose was going through the doorway of her house when she hit her head on the ceiling.  It was not fun to be 
really tall.
                                                        The End

I just had to include her drawing for a little added perspective. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

School Day

Anani Schauermann

I am 8 yeas old and I am starting 3rd grade.  My brothers and I are starting school and it is fun.  My mom is the teacher and I am one of her pupils. She is a fun teacher.  We do fun science.

The Garden

by Jeffrey Schauermann

  The soil is soft, 
We plant the seeds,
  Peppers, carrots and tomatoes,
Not any weeds.

  They're big and tall,
Getting peppers, carrots and tomatoes,
  Eating them with great delight,
Now it's time to hoe.