

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Ray Tay seven

by Anani Schauermann

Now in the nest the Ray Tay family was feeling left out in the spring singing but they did like the races because the Ray Tay bird can fly 2000 miles - per - hour.  The Ray Tay family had won 102 gold medals and entered in 102 races.  That means if you look at it closely you will see that they won every race they attended.

Ray Tay eight

by Anani Schauermann

Now a year had passed and it was very close to the Ray Tay kid's birthday, and in the Ray Tay it is a big, big, big party. All the birds in the forest where invited to the party. One bird could not go because he and his family where moving out of the Ray Tay rain forest.

How Are You, M?

by Jeffrey Schauermann

How are you, M,
All frozen?
Winter months long,
Then spring,
Looses you from,
This icy bondage,
For your song.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Attitude is Everything

by Jeffrey Schauermann

Attitude is everything,

   Happiness will get you done,
But grumpiness? No sir-ee!
   Happiness is also fun.

But when you sure are grumpy,

   It'll be very, very bad,
And if you don't get happy,
   You get very, very mad. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

What Do You See, B?

by Jeffrey Schauermann

Looking round this world
Peering at your family
Many times a day
Seeing many
Wonderful sights
To gasp and gaze

Ray Tay six

by Anani Schauermann

When he got to the nest he examined it as good as he could without scaring the birds.  Now at that time of year it is very pretty because the trees were blooming and the grass was growing.  All the trees they saw were all a yellow green.  The other birds sang,  but the Ray Tay kind did not make a lot of noise.  They only chirp when taking.  

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Ray Tay five

by Anani Schauermann

Now the thing in the water was a snorkeler.  He had seen the birds coming and went to the surface to see the real birds because it is hard to see under water  When he saw that he scared the them he went back under water.  The man followed the birds to see where they went.  He went so fast in getting there that he had done it before the other birds got there.